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Stuart Steel Protection

NIXUS International is the exclusive export distribution agent for Stuart Steel Protection, one of the world's largest suppliers of cathodic protection equipment and materials with more than 100 product lines.

For complete product and engineering specifications, field studies, and purchasing information, please visit our GreenZyme website.
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For complete product and engineering specifications, field studies, and purchasing information, please visit our StrongBack website.
[flat_button text="Visit NixusStrongBack.com" title="Visit StrongBack Site" url="http://www.nixusstrongback.com/" padding="10px 30px" bg_color="#092F87" border_color="#092F87" border_width="1px" text_color="#FFFFFF" text_size="12px" align="center" target="_blank"]
GreenZyme Documentation
StrongBack Application Video
StrongBack application is fast, simple, and forgiving, with no special tools or training required.
Product Data Sheets
Rapid Worldwide Delivery
GreenZyme ships non-regulated by passenger or
cargo air to any point on the globe.
Rapid Worldwide Delivery
StrongBack ships non-regulated by passenger or
cargo air to any point on the globe.
GreenZyme Advantages
- Proven performance
- Superior to other EOR methods
- Simple application
- Expedient
- Environmentally safe
- Cost-efficient
GreenZyme Applications
- Waterflooding wells
- Single huff-and-puff wells
- Steam-injection wells
- Chemical fracturing wells
- Acid-treated and hot oil–treated wells
- Chemical EOR-treated wells
- Thermal extraction wells
- Sludge cleanup in tanks, containers, ships, and pipelines
- Oil spill and accident cleanup
StrongBack Users Worldwide
StrongBack is in use worldwide throughout the energy, utility, structural, and marine sectors. It is the chosen pipeline repair and remediation solution by experienced remediation engineers for it's strength, versatility and simplicity of application.
- AGIP (Nigeria) Oil Co
- Amoco Canada
- Arabian Oil Company
- BP West Java
- British Gas Corporation
- British Petroleum
- Brunei Shell Petroleum
- Burren Petroleum
- Cabinda Gulf Oil Co.
- Chevron Nigeria
- Chevron Pipeline Co
- Chinese Petroleum Corporation
- Citgo / Lyondell
- Conoco Inc
- Enbridge Pipelines
- ENI Iraq
- Enron Corporation
- Exxon Chemical Co
- GUPCO, Egypt
- Husky Oil, Canada
- Interprovincial Pipeline
- Kinder Morgan Energy
- Kuomi Arctic Oil
- Lakehead Pipeline
- Marathon Oil
- Maxus Energy
- Mobil Oil Corporation
- Nigerian National Oil Corp
- Nippon Oil Malaysia
- Petronas Carigali
- Petroleos Mexicanos
- Petroleo Brasiliero SA
- Petroleum Development of Oman
- Philippine National Oil Corp
- Saudi Aramco
- Sarawak Shell Co
- Shell Nigeria
- TengizChevroil
- TotalFinaElf Indonesia
- Unocal
- VICO / Pt. Badak